LP Couplings
Over 20 years experience
LP Couplings. Engineering Perfection
LP COUPLINGS SRL, a company that designs and produces transmission couplings, was founded in October 2021 based on Eng.'s twenty-year experience in the transmission sector. Lazzaroni and his partner, Eng. Precetti, production manager in the same previous company.
The company, located in a modern factory in Bussero, in the metropolitan area of Milan, has equipped itself with new machines in order to define lean and modern production, optimizing both costs and production times.
Our joints
Designed and made entirely in Italy
giunti lamellari
Standard and special
Gamma from 120 a 310.000Nm
Elastic couplings
Various types of elastomers
Wide choice of configurations
Altri giunti
Complete range of tooth couplings
Self-lubricating toothed joints, rigid and special joints
Lamellar couplings
Standard and special
Gamma from 120 a 310.000Nm
Elastic couplings
Various types of elastomers
Wide choice of configurations
other couplings
Complete range of tooth couplings
Self-lubricating toothed joints, rigid and special joints
Where to find us
Via Palmiro Togliatti, 8 20060 Bussero (MI)